Consultancy & Training



Leading insurance providers subscribe to the philosophy that prevention, planning, and execution are essential to a “successful” product recall or crisis, and therefore offer their Insured Clients RQA consulting services as a benefit for proactive improvement projects, in addition to a 24/7 support hotline.

RQA’s Consultants provide a wide range of consultancy to Insurers, including:

  • Expert proactive risk and continuous improvement services, such as recall and crisis management program development and/or review, simulations, webinars, training and regulatory agency recognized compliance courses
  • Customized services developed to address the Insured’s needs
  • Technical risk assessments
  • Services to enhance Food/Product safety and reduce risk for the organization
  • Direct support for Insured’s incident investigation and recall response efforts
  • Incident response reviews and facilitating post incident de-briefing to prevent incident recurrence

Client service requirements may be unique and can be customized to meet Insured needs.

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